Friday, April 23, 2010

Fireworks spectaculars marked the opening of Encore 永利澳門萬利酒店(Encore)開幕 (永利澳门万利酒店(Encore)开幕)


Pic Source : Wynn Macau

Steve Wynn marked the opening of Encore, his new, all-suites boutique hotel, with a fireworks spectacular.

President, Wynn Macau, he ignited the display at 8.08pm, illuminating the skies above Encore and its sister resort Wynn Macau in an extravagant 10-minute performance. The public gathered along the Nam Van Lake and Taipa shoreline to witness the special event, designed by legendary fireworks maestro Phil Grucci.

Phil Grucci's creativity, vision and management style have positioned him as one of the most imaginative and technically advanced fireworks designers in the world. The fireworks performance at Encore at Wynn Macau ran for a total duration of 10 minutes and was composed of 13 different sets. Among other significant works, The Grucci Family has designed and directed fireworks displays at Times Square in New York, the Opening and Closing Ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the Wynn Macau Opening in 2006.


在永利澳門有限公司副主席盛智文、永利澳門營運總裁陳志玲及永行澳門總裁高哲恆的陪同下,史提芬永利先生于8時08分為歷時10分鐘的煙花匯演揭開序幕,閃爍耀目的煙花在萬利酒店及永利澳門的上空競相綻放,把澳門的夜空點綴得亮麗動人。是次煙花匯演由世界著名煙花設計大師 Phil Grucci負責制作,澳門市民聚集在南灣湖及□仔對岸一帶見証這別具意義的時刻。

煙花設計師Phil Grucci以其創意、創作理念及管理哲學,成功躋身成為世界最富創意及具備最先進技朮知識的煙花設計師之一。是次永利澳門的萬利酒店的煙花匯演歷時約 10分鐘,將為觀眾呈獻多達13幕精彩的煙花演出。Grucci家族及其團隊負責設計制作多個大型煙花表演項目,包括位于紐約時代廣場、2008年北京奧運會開幕及閉幕典禮及2006年永利澳門開幕典禮的煙花匯演。

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Get Nice to renovate Grand Waldo complex 路氹城澳門金都酒店全面翻新 (路氹城澳门金都酒店全面翻新)

Macau casino hotel investor Get Nice Holdings Ltd has allocated over MOP$100 million to renovate its 50% owned Grand Waldo complex in Macau to expand its presence.

The first phase involves the relocation of the Grand Waldo Casino, which was completed and it reopened on 31st January. Thirty-eight gambling tables and 93 slot machines now occupy a smaller hall, reducing operating costs by as much as 40%, said Kam, adding that the relocation will also leave more space for the firm's shopping mall in the future.

The company will rebuild its spa center through adding more than 160 rooms in the second half of this year.

澳門金都酒店是首個進軍路氹城的賭場項目。 擁有金都50%股權的結好控股宣佈將投資逾億元分三期進行全面翻新, 首期賭場翻新1月31日已完成, 並喬遷至酒店, 預計可年省40%成本。 結好控股看好澳門未來的發展, 將瞄準闔家歡、大眾化路線, 銳意將該酒店打造成“綜合保健休閒娛樂酒店”。 項目不走豪華路線, 定位中端消費。

翻新後的賭場將由以往的50萬平方呎減至4萬平方呎, 設計較精緻, 相信每年可節省約30-40%成本。 現時貴賓廳約有15張賭台、中場有23張一共38張賭台, 未來將視乎需要增加賭台, 有117部老虎機。 翻新後預計每年有20%的回報。

第二階段將投資7000萬元, 將金都水療休閒中心打造成澳門最具規模的水療中心, 該中心占地25萬平方呎, 全澳最大。 水療中心2月1日起翻新, 預計第三、四季竣工。 未來將在水療中心增加160間客房, 房價將較酒店房便宜約20%。

第三階段投資8000萬至1.2億元重點規劃金都綜合樓內的特賣場, 特賣場樓高6層、占地60萬平方呎, 務求打造成澳門首間集購物、餐飲及休閒於一身的特賣場, 預期可進一步帶動區內人流。 至於餐飲部分目前計畫增加美食廣場、酒吧街及24小時港式茶餐廳, 針對旅客和澳門人。

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