Thursday, December 18, 2008

The opening of Grand Lisboa Hotel 澳門新葡京酒店隆重開幕 (澳门新葡京酒店隆重开幕)


Source : and taken by rheanna2
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Casino Area

The Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A. (SJM) celebrated for the opening of its newest deluxe five star establishment flagship hotel - the Grand Lisboa Hotel on 17th December. The total construction cost of the hotel, including the casino and the garage worth about MOP$7 billion. Moreover, the Grand Lisboa hotel is the only complex in the world housing 3 Michelin starred restaurants under one roof.

The managing director of SJM - Stanley Ho said at his opening speech that “the official opening of Grand Lisboa completes this ambitious achievement - the Grand Lisboa Hotel and Casino.”

The hotel comprise a total of 431 rooms, with interior decoration of each of the rooms costing up to MOP$10 million. Prices of the hotel rooms ranging from MOP$1,600 to MOP$1,800 per night during the weekdays, and MOP$2,000 to MOP$2,200 during Friday and the weekend. The company was expecting to reach around 70 to 80 percent in terms of the occupancy rate.

SJM also holding an exhibition titled, “Splendid China and Blooming Beijing,” apart from the opening ceremony from 17th Dec to 19th Dec. The exhibition showcases Chinese antiques and pieces of art include “The World of Bears” in jade, mammoth tusk carving of the “Monkey King,” the “Singing Bird” clock and the “Tiangong Cifu” clock from the Qing Dynasty.

澳門博彩股份有限公司旗艦酒店 - 澳門新葡京酒店, 12月17日隆重開幕。 整個項目造價七十億澳門元。 新葡京酒店位於葡京酒店西北側, 底層的娛樂場去年初就已開業。 新葡京將會以超豪酒店和米芝蓮星級餐廳吸引顧客。 其中Don Alfonso 1890是意大利南部獲米芝蓮最高榮譽餐廳, 有超過4000種美酒。 又有超過200呎全亞洲最長自助餐食物枱的「自助山」。

新葡京酒店由香港會展中心的主要設計者劉榮廣設計, 建築糅合澳門文化, 外形是澳門金蓮花。 酒店高258米, 是澳門最高的樓宇建築物, 設施包括430間豪華客房, 套房, 宴會廳及多功能會議室, 健身中心, 游泳池及水療中心等。

酒店客房平均造價逾一千萬元。 房價每晚平均由澳門幣$1600至$2200元, 平均每間房500呎, 設施有可調節角度的40吋Bang & Olufsen LCD高清電視, 附有CD及DVD播放機, 寢具升級至500針套裝。 而新葡京和葡京酒店亦是全球首2間提供免費享用客房迷你酒吧, 免費觀賞房內中外電影, 以及免費撥打本地電話的酒店。 為五星級酒店定下全新豪華標準。

為隆重其事, 由12月17日至12月19日, 「錦繡中華.盛世北京」珍品展覽將於澳門新葡京酒店大堂舉行, 展出之珍品包括巨型玉石「熊霸天下」, 長毛象牙角雕「鴻福齊天」與「長城萬里」, 清朝「悅鳴時鐘」和「致富時鐘」, 「圓明園馬首銅像」及其他珍品。

Friday, November 21, 2008

Wynn Macau awarded Mobil Five-Star Hotel and Spa 永利澳門渡假酒店及水療中心榮獲“Mobil Five-Star”最高榮譽 (永利澳门渡假酒店及水疗中心荣获“Mobil Five-Star”最高荣誉)

Source : and taken by tboothhk
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Wynn Macau's hotel and spa have both won the prestigious Mobil Five Star Award for 2008. Wynn Macau is the only hotel in Macau, one of the only 69 Mobil Five-Star properties to be recognized with the prestigious Mobil Five Star Award. The hotel is also one of only five in Asia to achieve this Five-Star rating. The Spa at Wynn Macau is one of only 3 spas in Hong Kong and Macau added to the coveted Five-Star list.

Mobil Four Star Lodging Winners:
MGM Grand Macau
Crown Towers Macau
Mandarin Oriental
Sands Macau

Mobil Four Star Spa Winners:
Six Senses Spa at MGM Grand Macau
The Spa at Crown Towers Macau
V Spa at Venetian Macau

永利澳門 ─ 亞洲首家拉斯維加斯式豪華綜合渡假酒店, 今年旗下酒店及水療中心榮獲“Mobil Five-Star”五顆星最高榮譽。 永利是全澳門唯一一家獲此殊榮的度假酒店。 全世界只有69家酒店獲頒“Mobil Five-Star”這項最高評級。 亞洲亦僅有五家酒店能獲得這殊榮。 永利水療中心亦是香港澳門地區僅有3家酒店能獲這殊榮。


Mobil Four Star 旅游指南四星級優勝酒店

Mobil Four Star 旅游指南四星級優勝水療

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Macau Lisboa Hotel win spot in Top 500 Asian Brands 澳門葡京酒店躋身亞洲品牌500強 (澳门葡京酒店跻身亚洲品牌500强)

World Entrepreneur Magazine has released ‘The Asian 500 Most Influential Brands’. With a total of 17 countries in the region made it on the list of Asian 500 Most Influential Brands. According to the survey, the Lisboa hotel from Macau, famous for its yellow birdcage shaped building, was granted the honor again as one of the top 500 Most Influential Brands in Asia for three consecutive years and ranked 272th on the list this year.

《世界企業家》雜誌(World Entrepreneur Magazine), 日前發佈的二○○八年度《亞洲品牌500強》, 共有17個國家和地區的500個品牌入選(The Asian 500 Most Influential Brands)排行榜, 紮根澳門多年, 澳門的代表性標誌葡京酒店因其品牌深入民心, 第三次榜上有名, 位列第272位。

Pics Source : Lisboa Hotel
Lobby View

Grand Staircase

Crystal Palace Casino

Portas do Sol Chinese Restaurant

Lisboa Tower Room

New Furusato Restaurant

Royal Tower Room

Robuchon a Galera Restaurant

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The first boutique hotel built in Macau - Waldo Hotel 華都變身澳門首間精品酒店 (华都变身澳门首间精品酒店)

The Waldo Hotel and Casino in Macau is the first boutique hotel offers guests a wide range of ways to find both zest and zen during their stays. Located exclusively on the 16 through 18 floors are guest rooms with different themes "Pure, Hip, Comfort, and Glamour". The casino space will be relocate to the ground floor. Everything about the new Waldo’s designs, turns out to be “hip” and offers a completely special, unique experience to the guests.

澳門華都酒店將重新包裝。 酒店將拉斯維加斯的boutique hotel概念帶到澳門, 變身成澳門第一間設計新穎富有時代感的精品酒店。 經改造后的華都酒店將會以人均消費較大的中高檔客人為主要客路, 會在酒店硬件上講究個人, 內涵及專屬感覺。

華都的百多間客房中有一半是設計甚有型格的主題套房。 分以白色為主的Pure, 大自然用色的Comfort, 波浪形衣櫃的Hip及玩銀黑幽暗酒紅地氈的Glamour共4種主題房間, 分佈於16至18樓。

Pics Source : Waldo Hotel
Deluxe Room

Comfort Theme Room

Pure Theme Room

Hip Theme Room

Glamour Theme Room

Mini Suite

Chinese Cuisine

Lobby Bar & Lounge


Wine & Cigar Lounge

Hotel Ground Floor - Concierge

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

French luxury hotel Sofitel now open in Macau 法國奢華酒店品牌 - 索菲特酒店澳門開業(法国奢华酒店品牌 - 索菲特酒店澳门开业)

Pics Source : Sofitel



Situated in the heart of Macau’s most important and historic waterfront area, the Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 is now officially open.

With a construction cost of MOP$3.2 billion and developed by Ponte 16 Resort Hotel Management Limited, the whole Ponte 16 complex also included the casino, retail, restaurant an entertainment complex. The Ponte 16 is located in the Inner Harbour of Macau's Pier 16, it was one of the oldest commercial hubs in Macau. The development echoes the Inner Harbour's heritage and protects landmark such as the "Old Clock Tower". Cobblestone streets will connect the different sectors of the project site with a promenade to be built along the Ponte 16 waterfront.

The 20 storey Sofitel hotel located on the right side of the Clock Tower and casino complex will house on the left side. It comes equipped with 408 rooms and cost of a hotel room starting from MOP$1,350 a night. Other facilities within the hotel include dining outlets, swimming pool, business center and a multi-function banquet room with additional meeting rooms. In addition, the hotel will also have Club Sofitel floors which house "The Mansion at Sofitel" designed especially for the casino's high rollers.

"Ponte 16 is an outstanding development that revitalises one of Macau's most distinctive heritage areas. When the development is fully completed, the precinct will be one of Macau's most vibrant areas, with an excellent range of restaurants, bars, entertainment venues and retail outlets to complement the peninsula's historic attractions, which are on Sofitel Macau's doorstep." Robert Rippon - Sofitel Macau General Manager said.

座落於內港歷史城區及澳門市中心, 由雅高酒店集團管理經營, 澳門首間索菲特品牌酒店現已開業。 索菲特酒店是澳門十六浦綜合娛樂項目之一, 十六浦整個項目之投資額達四億美元, 坐落於澳門內港 - 澳門昔日的黃金地段。 其它設施包括娛樂場、購物長廊、餐飲及其它娛樂設施。 索菲特酒店樓高二十層, 設有408間客房, 酒店房間價格由澳門幣$1,350起, 每間客房內均設有Sofitel MyBed。 酒店以十六號碼頭作中心向兩旁延伸, 其他配套設施包括餐廳、酒吧、游泳池、會議室, 面積為460平方米之多功能廳, 附設索菲特會所及特別為貴賓而設的19所濠庭十六浦。 十六浦建築保留了十六號碼頭的標志 - 古老鐘樓, 地面則新鋪葡式鵝卵石。 酒店位於古老鐘樓右翼。

在十六浦第二期及第三期的發展計劃中, 鐘樓的左翼將有餐廳、商店、劇院及更多娛樂設施, 海傍亦將設有露天表演場地。


Link for Macau Sofitel Hotel News
Click here

Friday, August 29, 2008

The opening of Macau Four Seasons Hotel, Plaza Casino and Shoppes at Four Seasons in Macau 澳門四季酒店、百利沙娛樂場、四季·名店開幕 (澳门四季酒店、百利沙娱乐场、四季·名店开幕)

One year after the hugely successful opening of the Venetian Macau, the Las Vegas Sands Corp will celebrate the opening of its second Cotai Strip property - the Four Seasons Hotel Macau, together with Cirque du Soleil’s ZAIA - celebrates its World Premiere with a special VIP performance and the official opening of the luxurious Shoppes at Four Seasons at 28th August, 2008.

"Today marks yet another significant milestone in the overall effort to transform Macau into an international leisure and business destination," said Sheldon G. Adelson, chairman and chief executive officer of Las Vegas Sands Corp.

"The arrival of the Four Seasons Hotel Macau, combined with the world-class retail brands of the Shoppes at Four Seasons, names like Gucci, Hermes, Fendi, Louis Vuitton and more, is a signal that a new era of luxury has arrived in Macau and that the Cotai Strip is ready to compete with the world’s top luxury destinations," said William Weidner, president of Las Vegas Sands Corp.

The new Four Seasons Hotel Macau, operated and managed by the world-renowned Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, will features 360 beautifully appointed guestrooms and suites. It also includes an exquisite pool and garden area, a variety of conference, several food and beverage facilities, banquet and business services facilities.

The 211,000 square-foot Shoppes at Four Seasons mall in Macau is connected to the Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian Macau and the Four Seasons Hotel Macau. It features approximately 180 luxury brands, and more than 60 brands not previously offered in Macau. The shopping center also offers a variety of unique customer service, including a mall concierge, image consultants, private shoppers, hotel delivery service and complimentary limousine transportation to all the guests.

The Venetian Macau is now offering Anniversary Gifts to celebrate their 1st birthday. Visitors can redeem one of the following Anniversary Gifts upon spending MOP$5,000 at the Venetian:

* Complimentary entry into ZAİA, an amazing new production by Cirque du Soleil
* RICH JADE MOP$500 shopping voucher (not valid for promotional items).
* Natural Beauty Mix complimentary face or body treatment worth MOP$480
* ALQVIMIA Trial Kit worth MOP410 (Bust Volume Oil, Body Sculptor Oil, Cleopatra Body Oil, Eye Cream, Rose Water and MOP100 cash coupon).
* PRIVATE i SALON complimentary Hair Repair Treatment worth MOP$400 or NAIL NAIL YMCK Professional Aromactive Hand Treatment worth MOP$330
* Clarins Multi-Active or Extra Firming Skin Care Coffret set and complimentary eyebrow shaping service worth MOP$300
* RAYURE MOP$300 shopping voucher
* TOYWATCH MOP$300 shopping voucher

Venue: St. Mark's Square
Dates: 29-31 August, 5-7 September, 12-15 September
Time: 12:00pm - 12:45pm, 3:00pm - 3:45pm, 5:00pm - 5:45pm, 8:00pm - 8:45pm

Pavement Drawing
Venue: Castella Square, Di Moda Square
Dates: 29-31 August, 5-7 September, 12-15 September
Time: 12:00pm - 2:00pm, 3:00pm - 5:00pm, 7:00pm -9:00pm

為慶祝澳門威尼斯人開幕一周年誌慶, 澳門威尼斯人渡假村酒店舉辦多項活動。 成立一周年慶祝重頭項目之一, 包括澳門四季酒店、百利沙娛樂場及四季·名店在8月28日同時開幕, 在8月28日10時45分舉行開幕剪綵儀式。

位於澳門四季酒店內的百利沙娛樂場, 共設有175張賭檯及213部角子機, 設有貴賓及中場業務, 面積約為85000平方呎。 位於一樓的中場面積約32000平方呎, 共設76張賭檯。 娛樂場主區設有52張賭檯, 高額投注區設有24張賭檯。 專為會員而設的御匾會分佈在一至四樓共設29張賭檯, 213部角子機分佈於高額投注區、紅寶區及百利沙娛樂場各區。

四季酒店則為澳門酒店客房增加360間供應量, 酒店庭園入口至大堂及餐廳酒吧均滿佈手繪絲綢、木雕、石雕及瓷磚工藝。 房間均設寬頻及無線上網, 42吋等離子大電視, 標準客房面積由46平方米起。 房內洗手間將提供名牌護膚品, 大部分房間使用法國品牌L'OCCITANE, 高級房間更選用名牌Bvlgari。 房價由2700元高級客房, 行政套房5800元, 皇家套房18,000元, 至4萬元總統套房一晚不等 (另加10%服務費及5%稅)。 整間四季·名店將帶來180個世界頂尖品牌。 酒店設多個泳池及水療室, 多間餐廳酒廊包括提供中式美食的紫逸軒、葡國菜的鳴詩、英式下午茶的華屋、設計時尚名貴酒吧等。 酒店內水療中心有多項美容及按摩療程,其中最矜貴的鑽石美容以鑽石粉末在面上打磨,即時有明顯的美白和抗衰老效果。

四季酒店設有6間餐廳及酒吧,現時開業有中菜廳紫逸軒及名貴酒吧Bar Azul。 中菜廳紫逸軒主打粵菜像咖啡焗腩排、梅菜叉燒腸粉等菜式。

四季·名店已於7月25日試業, 將一同於8月28日早上舉行剪綵儀式。 四季·名店定位為澳門首個高端豪華購物中心,其中逾60個品牌會在四季·名店首度落戶以及提供數十款世界各頂級品牌限量版精品外,還提供私人購物指導、形象顧問、酒店送遞服務。 形象顧問會為顧客在名店內選購適合衣服、首飾等, 服務收費為一小時2000元, 購物滿38,888以上可免費享用。

1) Samsonite Black Label推出的McQueen限量版手提行李箱, 全銀色設計, 售17,330澳門元
2) Versaceclick me推出的Couture Snap Bag, 全球只限2個, 售151,200澳門元

於2008年8月28日至9月15日期間,消費滿MOP$5,000, 可獲下列其中一份週年禮品

* 免費太陽劇團ZAİA門票乙張
* 富御珠寶禮券MOP$500 (不適用於優惠特價商品)
* 自然美Mix貴賓免費體驗券MOP$480
* ALQVIMIA香薰護膚寶盒(擴胸美乳護膚油 + 擊脂塑形油 + 埃及妖後護膚油 + 眼部精華乳霜 + 玫瑰花水 + $100 現金券) 價值MOP$410
* PRIVATE i SALON免費水凝秀髮修護護理價值MOP400或NAIL NAIL YMCK Professional香薰手部護理價值 MOP$330
* Clarins多元瓣膜或新生緊膚一套三件護膚體驗裝連免費修眉服務乙次價值MOP300

地點: 聖馬可廣場
日期: 8月29至31日、9月5至7 日, 9月12至15日
時間: 下午12:00 - 12:45、3:00 - 3:45、 5:00 - 5:45、 8:00 - 8:45

地點: 嘉德勒廣場及名都廣場
日期: 8月29至31日、9月5至7 日, 9月12至15日
時間: 下午12:00 - 2:00、3:00 - 5:00、 7:00 - 9:00

Venetian’s first birthday present

Sheldon Adelson interview - During Venetian Macau 1st Year Anniversary


The Shoppes at Four Seasons
Pic Source : Ming Pao



Four Seasons Hotel
Pic Source : Reuters

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crown Macau infinity pool is selected as one of the World's Best Hotel Swimming Pools 2008 by Forbes 澳門皇冠酒店入選2008年十大最佳酒店泳池 (澳门皇冠酒店入选2008年十大最佳酒店泳池)

American finance and economic magazine Forbes has selected this year 2008 top 10 best hotel swimming pools in the world. Macau Crown Hotel pool, with its infinity pool view, became the only selected pool in Macau in the top 10 list.

Other selected swimming pools including those with the best natural scene or surround by luxurious decorations. For example San Alfonso Del Mar country club in Chile and Las Vegas Mandalay Bay hotel pool.

Crown Macau Hotel pool is located on the 16th floor of Crown Macau Tower in Taipa. The length of the pool is 25 meters in which swimmers can view with the beautiful scene of Macau peninsula while swimming. The swimming pool is equipped with a fruit juice bar and music.

Crown Macau Hotel pool is designed by world famous, indoor designer Mr. Peter Remédios. His other works including the design of New York Four Seasons Hotel, Mandarin Oriental Hotel at Landmark Plaza in Hong Kong.

美國財經雜誌福布斯旗下 Forbes Traveler 選出2008年十大最佳酒店泳池,澳門皇冠酒店佔一席位成為澳門唯一入選的酒店。 賓客在酒店無邊際泳池可眺望坐擁澳門半島迷人景致,其他獲選酒店泳池包括智利San Alfonso Del Mar度假村及拉斯維加斯Mandalay Bay酒店等。


酒店內部裝潢由屢獲殊榮的室內設計師Peter Remédios先生負責,Peter Remédios曾為紐約四季酒店、香港置地文華東方酒店等設計室內裝飾。

Pic Source : and taken by GlobalGainsTrip

Pic Source : and taken by JW Yeung

Pic Source :

Sunday, May 18, 2008

[Purposed] NAPE25地段 (NAPE25地段) Apartment and Hotel complex at Praia Grande, NAPE 25

Two towers complex - the east tower will house a hotel and the east tower will be a luxury service apartment.

兩座建築呈“八”字形佈局, 建築體分為兩座,東座為酒店,西座為高級公寓式住宅

Source : Chairman Architects & Engineers Ltd


[Purposed] 南灣大馬路/馬統領巷公寓式酒店 (南湾大马路/马统领巷公寓式酒店) Mixed Use complex at Praia Grande

A tourism-oriented building with restaurants, entertainments, apartment hotel and casino.


Source : Chairman Architects & Engineers Ltd



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wynn Macau is named “Best Luxury Hotel in Macau” 永利澳門獲選澳最佳豪華酒店 (永利澳门获选澳最佳豪华酒店)

Wynn Macau received the “Best Luxury Hotel in Macau” award from TTG China Travel.

Wynn Macau was one of only four hotels selected in Macau selected among the total list of 39 winners, it names Wynn 'as the best hotel catering to the up-market traveller, boasting the best visual appeal and ambience reflecting up-market status'.

Macau's “Best business hotel” was awarded to the Mandarin Oriental, while the Holiday Inn received the city's “Best mid-range hotel” award. The Venetian Macao was awarded the “Best meetings and conventions hotel” and “Best new hotel”

永利澳門獲TTG China旅遊大奬選為“澳門最佳豪華酒店”。獲表揚為服務高端市場旅客的最佳酒店,酒店擁有反映高端市場定位的最佳視覺效果和環境, 一直提供體貼細心的服務及頂級的綜合 娛樂設施,致力為追求並懂得享受的賓客帶來最優質體驗。永利澳門更是卅九家來自內地、香港及澳門獲奬酒店之一。

其他獲選最佳酒店 包括:

最佳商務酒店 - 澳門文華東方酒店
最佳中價位住宿酒店 - 澳門假日酒店
最佳會議宴會酒店, 最佳新酒店 - 澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店

Pics Source : Wynn Macau

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