Thursday, December 18, 2008

The opening of Grand Lisboa Hotel 澳門新葡京酒店隆重開幕 (澳门新葡京酒店隆重开幕)


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Casino Area

The Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, S.A. (SJM) celebrated for the opening of its newest deluxe five star establishment flagship hotel - the Grand Lisboa Hotel on 17th December. The total construction cost of the hotel, including the casino and the garage worth about MOP$7 billion. Moreover, the Grand Lisboa hotel is the only complex in the world housing 3 Michelin starred restaurants under one roof.

The managing director of SJM - Stanley Ho said at his opening speech that “the official opening of Grand Lisboa completes this ambitious achievement - the Grand Lisboa Hotel and Casino.”

The hotel comprise a total of 431 rooms, with interior decoration of each of the rooms costing up to MOP$10 million. Prices of the hotel rooms ranging from MOP$1,600 to MOP$1,800 per night during the weekdays, and MOP$2,000 to MOP$2,200 during Friday and the weekend. The company was expecting to reach around 70 to 80 percent in terms of the occupancy rate.

SJM also holding an exhibition titled, “Splendid China and Blooming Beijing,” apart from the opening ceremony from 17th Dec to 19th Dec. The exhibition showcases Chinese antiques and pieces of art include “The World of Bears” in jade, mammoth tusk carving of the “Monkey King,” the “Singing Bird” clock and the “Tiangong Cifu” clock from the Qing Dynasty.

澳門博彩股份有限公司旗艦酒店 - 澳門新葡京酒店, 12月17日隆重開幕。 整個項目造價七十億澳門元。 新葡京酒店位於葡京酒店西北側, 底層的娛樂場去年初就已開業。 新葡京將會以超豪酒店和米芝蓮星級餐廳吸引顧客。 其中Don Alfonso 1890是意大利南部獲米芝蓮最高榮譽餐廳, 有超過4000種美酒。 又有超過200呎全亞洲最長自助餐食物枱的「自助山」。

新葡京酒店由香港會展中心的主要設計者劉榮廣設計, 建築糅合澳門文化, 外形是澳門金蓮花。 酒店高258米, 是澳門最高的樓宇建築物, 設施包括430間豪華客房, 套房, 宴會廳及多功能會議室, 健身中心, 游泳池及水療中心等。

酒店客房平均造價逾一千萬元。 房價每晚平均由澳門幣$1600至$2200元, 平均每間房500呎, 設施有可調節角度的40吋Bang & Olufsen LCD高清電視, 附有CD及DVD播放機, 寢具升級至500針套裝。 而新葡京和葡京酒店亦是全球首2間提供免費享用客房迷你酒吧, 免費觀賞房內中外電影, 以及免費撥打本地電話的酒店。 為五星級酒店定下全新豪華標準。

為隆重其事, 由12月17日至12月19日, 「錦繡中華.盛世北京」珍品展覽將於澳門新葡京酒店大堂舉行, 展出之珍品包括巨型玉石「熊霸天下」, 長毛象牙角雕「鴻福齊天」與「長城萬里」, 清朝「悅鳴時鐘」和「致富時鐘」, 「圓明園馬首銅像」及其他珍品。

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