Saturday, December 8, 2007

Grand Emperor Hotel 英皇娛樂酒店 (英皇娱乐酒店)

Grand Emperor Hotel takes the art of luxury accommodation, and aim to provide a home to guests who appreciate the best of fine living.

The Golden Pathway in the hotel lobby literally composed of 78 bars of pure gold (999.9 fine), each weighing one kilogram and embossed with a unique number. This Golden Pathway adds to the imperial ambiance for the regal guests of Grand Emperor Hotel. There is a daily staged ceremony of "Changing the Guard" which takes place at hotel entrance. Another attraction is the imitated antique golden carriage that exhibits fine craftsmanship of the 18th century Europe.

Emperor Watch and Jewellery provides visitors an exclusive watch and jewellery collections. The Excellent Sauna located on the 10th floor and The Royal Thai Spa located at 20/F provides a full house facility and personalized service are provided to earn clients' satisfaction.

Address : 288 Avenida Comercial De Macau
Tel : 2888 9988

踏入英皇娛樂酒店, 迎接您的將是金光閃閃的黃金大道 - 酒店大堂中央的黃金大道, 以78塊總重量78公斤瑞士999.9千足純金鋪砌而成, 氣派顯赫。 黃金遍地象征財源滾滾, 為貴賓帶來吉祥福祉好兆頭。

酒店大堂充滿歐洲皇族宮殿的氣息。 中央的白龍王祈福池靈氣滿溢, 配合大堂金燦燦的水晶吊燈。 水晶吊燈的配合歐洲皇族畫像。 加上全澳獨有的特色擦鞋服務-您端坐在皇座上, 然后美麗的俄羅斯小姐為您細心地擦鞋。

英皇鐘表有著許多款式新穎的珠寶道飾。 另外, 全新的英皇水療中心為您帶來真正釋放身心的享受。 來自泰國的正綜古法按摩結合天然草藥和專業按摩師的巧妙技術, 將香薰精油,藥草和香料的能量注入體內。 水療中心有多種多樣的服務包括: 傳統泰式皇室按摩, 泰式草本療法按摩, 腳底反射按摩, 香薰油按摩, 去除皮下脂肪按摩等。 另外還有各種護理療程。 像男女面部護理, 抗衰老護理, 排毒療程, 浪漫組合, 背部潔淨護理, 身體磨沙和護膚泥服務等等應有盡有。

Hotel Rooms
Pics Source : Grand Emperor Hotel

Pics Source : Grand Emperor Hotel


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